Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Let's practise our English!

 Hello boys and girls!

How are you? I hope you are full of energy to practise your English!

Today you are practising your speaking. The activity consists of recording yourself in this website, and then share the link in a comment in this post.

The website is called Vocaroo and it is very intuitive: first, press the red button to start recording and then, press on the square button to stop the recording. If you like the trial, click on save and share, copy the link and post it in a comment here.

The text which you have to read out loud is the following one:

Mondays are always the same. I wake up at 8 o’clock, I get dressed, I have breakfast with my brother and I brush my teeth.

When we finish, my mother takes us to school by car and we start at 9 o’clock. In school, I do IT, maths, English, Social Sciences and music. At five, my dad comes to school and we go to basketball training because it starts at 5:30. At 6:30 my mother comes and I go home.

I do my homework, I have a shower, and I have dinner at 8:30h. I watch a little bit of TV and I go to sleep at 10 o’clock.

I encourage you to try do the activity. I am sure you will do it very good!


P.S. Remember to have fun

Are you ready for the adventure?

 Hello boys and girls!

How are you? I hope you are okay because we have one reading activity to do!

Today I suggest you one challenge: let's come in a labyrinth in which you will have to carefully read the questions and choose the correct answer to unlock the lock and get outside of the labyrinth.

Do you think you can do it?


P.S. Remember to have fun!

Monday, May 10, 2021

What did you say?

Hello boys and girls! 😀 

How are you? I hope you have energy to learn!

Today we are going to work on our oral skills and for that, we are doing a dictation. Don't worry, you can go at your own rhythm and the machine will correct it for you when you finish.

You just have to click here, press the start button, then play the audio and start writing what you hear.

Try to do your best and see you in class!


P.S. Remember to have fun!

Let's work on our writing!

 Hello boys and girls! 😀

I hope you are okay and if it is not the case, this activity will cheer you up!

Today I suggest you to work on the writing, which sometimes can be a little bit boring... but not with this actitivty! It consists of putting in order the letters of the different words to make logical sentences.

Through this online task, you will be able to practise on the comparative and superlative we saw in class.

You can access to the activity clicking in the following word: Activity.

Enjoy it and see you in class!


P.S. Remember to have fun!

Let's practise our English!

 Hello boys and girls! How are you? I hope you are full of energy to practise your English! Today you are practising your speaking . The act...